Chapter 5

Dear diary,
Image result for jack and the hunters lord of the flies cartoonAgain with this nonsense. These fools keep going on and on about this "beastie" it’s beyond ridiculous.  If anything my boys and I can kill it, we're hunters they should know that. Ralph decided there should be some rules, and I agree there should be rules. First one is keep the fire going, second don’t build any other fires, and third use the bathroom near the rocks, not all around the island.

Image result for jack and the hunters lord of the flies cartoonI feel proud of myself and ashamed of these boys. These hooligans are beyond childish with their shenanigans. They couldn’t listen to the last rule without giggling, it honestly wasn’t even that funny. And that boy really tried to say he saw the beastie, I would like to know where. In his dreams? Ralph keeps insisting that I turned barbaric, but I just don’t see it. What's so bad with wanting to kill? We need to eat, am I not right?
Hopefully these kids will realize we all need to grow up. There is no adults here, we all can do our part, and I'm certainly doing mine. Well I'll be back soon my dear friend



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