Ch. 3 Huts on the Beach

Dear my beloved Diary,

Image result for cartoon pigThis has been a quite an interesting day. I spoke to the person I hated the most ... Ralph. Maybe I misjudged him, he's not that bad of a person I guess. But still! I don't trust him, he doesn't give me a chance to do anything! I understand I couldn't kill the pig, but this time it wasn't my fault. The spear wasn't sharp enough, of course the pig got the chance to run away. How in the world would I kill this filthy animal if I don't have a sharp spear!

All of this is just giving me anxiety. Nobody wants to leave me alone, they're all annoying! I mean if they want meat that badly why don't they go hunting? It's not my fault they assigned me main hunter. If anything they should be blaming Ralph! He already made a poor choice the minute he became the leader. I am sick and tired of everyone ... I want to go home. I wish I never entered that plane. Now I'm stuck in this island with these hooligans.

Image result for huts lord of the fliesHopefully someone kills a pig, since they want meat that badly that they continue bugging me for it. Matter of fact there is more than one hunter! They can go bother someone else for it. They better build those huts already I am tired of them telling me to accomplish something when they can't even make a hut! I'm done I just can't anymore.



  1. I like your second body paragraph but your first paragraph was short. Good job though.

  2. I really liked your perspective and Jack and how you really showed his emotions through your writing. I really like how you showed that he's a bit of a lose cannon

  3. I love your diary's Nicole keep up the good work!!

  4. I like how you showed how jack feels about what is going on with Ralph and how they act towards each other. Nice.

  5. you did an exquisite job becoming your character. I like how you used scenes from chapter 3. Keep up the good work!

  6. hey girlll, you know I had to come comment on your blog. I liked the mindset you had while writing this. I enjoyed the picture you used. I also enjoyed your second body paragraph.

  7. I understood the paragraphs . Very good job.

  8. this is a very good essay very clear and fluent good job.


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