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Final Blog

Hello.. It's me Jack. As you know we got rescued. I'd like to discuss everything that just happened real quick, three people died. Another person almost died, I became someone else as soon as I stepped foot on the island. I promise you I'm a good boy, before everything happened I was a good person, I was the leader of the church choir. I don’t know what happened, I just don’t. I changed, and I can assure you I never want to be in that place again.  What happened after we got rescue, well it all started off as we went back home to England. I know you're wondering if I got punished.. Well to answer your question no, no I did not get a punishment. I was sent to see a therapist. I didn’t really understand everything she was saying, but basically she said a punishment was not needed, I was in the wrong mindset. And I agree, I was in a complete different mindset. I feel horrible, Simon didn’t deserve to die, he was just trying to tell us that there was no beast. We were ...

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